Access of the disability community to a society with equal rights 2021-2023

Create an environment that is free of barriers to access vital services provided by institutions and sites located in the selected region, enabling the disability community to integrate into the wider society and establish themselves as an independent community capable of contributing to the national economy (through empowerment).

Increase public sector accountability and transparency.

  • In considering government services in Sri Lanka, the disability community has been assigned to the social services department. well, in a manner similar to the general civilian population.
  • Extending government services to marginalized people groups.
  • Ensuring PWDs are able to realize their rights as equal citizen in relation to accessing public services.

Strengthen the rule of law.

  • Enhancing the knowledge of government officers on the implementation of national circulars, acts and gazettes as well as internationally recognized statutes on the protection the legal rights of the disability community.
  • Ensuring that the needs of PWDs are also considered equally within all public services spread across the society.
  • This project aims to affirm the need to uphold Sri Lanka’s national and international commitments on protecting the disability community and preventing discrimination.

Promote civil society participation and the media in these efforts.

  • Involving young persons suited for leadership from among the marginalized community of PWDs in the project activities.
  • Establishing a powerful organization consisting of young persons with disability, capable of taking action to secure their rights.
  • Providing awareness to entrepreneurs and businesspeople as well as religious leaders in addition to government officers within the area, whose support will then be sought for project activities.
  • Publicizing project activities through social media platforms. Reports of surveys carried out during the project will also be made available.

Strengthen democratic institutions and practices

  • Developing positive attitudes among officers in local institutions that implement the state mechanisms such that these institutions will be strengthened by their increased accessibility to all communities for service provision (Ex: Improving physical and service accessibility).
  • Bringing awareness to the rights of the disability community among the civil society and establishing the environment needed to support them as they integrate themselves into the mainstream society.
  • Bringing together rights holders and duty bearers to ensure the responsibilities of public service providers towards the rights of PWDs are upheld.
The occasion when the survey report regarding access facilities in Kurunegala district was released under the chairmanship of Mr. Wasantha Karannagoda, the former governor of North Western Province.
6 months English and Computer course for young people with disabilities held in AKASA office premises
The toilet built for the community with disabilities at the Kurunegala main bus stand by AKASA under the SASGP project.
The toilet built for the community with disabilities at the Kurunegala AGA office by AKASA under the SASGP project.
Initiate a program to sensitize people with disabilities on reproductivity and Personal hygiene for persons with disabilities
Initiate a program to sensitize government officials on accessible facilities for persons with disabilities
During the awareness program for the technical officers of Kurunegala district regarding accessibility

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