May 31, 2024

Empowering Experience: Association of Women with Disabilities Hosts InspiringProgram in Jaffna

From March 29th to March 31st, 2024, the Association of Women with Disabilities organized a transformative experience-sharing program in Jaffna. The event brought together 20 young girls and boys with disabilities along with 10 members from their parents’ group, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment. Hosted at Hotel J. The program was coordinated and organized by CGI (Center For Governance Innovation).

Throughout the program, participants engaged in enriching activities aimed at enhancing their understanding of the various facilities available to people with disabilities. The sessions were not just about learning new facilities but also about empowerment, self-expression, and breaking barriers. Attendees had the opportunity to share their experiences and challenges, fostering a sense of community and solidarity.

The program highlighted the importance of accessibility, inclusion, and equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. It emphasized the need for continuous advocacy, education, and collaboration to create a more inclusive society. Participants left the program inspired and empowered, equipped with new knowledge, skills, and a stronger sense of unity.

The Association of Women with Disabilities extends its gratitude to The Asia Foundation for their support and collaboration, and to Hotel J and CGI for their hospitality. This program stands as a testament to the organization’s commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities and creating a more inclusive world.

The group poses for a group photo in front of Chunnakkam Digital Library
Group work -list the jobs that People With Disabilities can do
The occasion when AKASA Chairperson Miss N.G Kamalawathie gave the commemorative gift to CGI Coordinator Mr. Sabeshan for the support shown by CGI
Group work -list the jobs that People With Disabilities can do